Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Watery Doorway


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Flower Window

Watery Doorway

Water Taxi Stop

Sunny Doorway

Straw Hat

Boat by the Wall

Bridge (of Sighs)

The Lion and the Lamp

Venezia Revisited Step 2

Today I quickly composed 5 sketches.

Venezia Revisited

In order to make more work for myself, I decided to change the direction of the Italy series. This occurred to me as I was bored with the most recent piece in the group. It was just nice and maybe even nice enough. However, it was the same style, the same content and the same format as the older paintings. And I was bored.
So, In order to revisit Venice properly, I want to approach it with a different perspective. The show is to be a then-and-now type affair. It was shaping up to be a then-and-more-then type thing. Here is the plan; I am changing the format and the process; 10 x10 canvases and quick, timed painting sessions (this should influence the style, which is hard to dictate because of the default style). I am also using my references in a different way too--croppier. (!)
I toned all of my canvases first.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Making Room

In an effort to make room in the studio, I worked on the biggest painting. But I didn't finish it so tomorrow is another day of being crowded and time is growing short  for the Italian paintings to wrap up.

Anyhow, I worked on the Jacaranda trees. 

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Creeping Along

Though I feel like I am not making great strides, I am making little chunks of progress. Today I worked on Joyride and Alice.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Working Toward the March Show

I am calling this one Joy Ride. Our Gondolier has no passengers; they messed with my plans to feature the boatman. Today I concerned myself with the architecture in the background; I worried about over-rendering and rendering badly (to me, both drawing issues). As I worked, I saw that what looks ornate can be a simple pattern. In addressing the architecture and the background, I also want to stay lose so I can feature Mr. Studley in the foreground there.